Innovation Management Game nominated for Accenture Innovation Awards

Innovation Management Game nominated for Accenture Innovation Awards

One of the products that we have been supporting recently, the Innovation Management Game, has been nominated by Accenture for the Accenture Innovation Awards 2013. According to the website of Accenture:

The Innovation Management Game is a ‘serious game for serious professionals’: a business simulation in which different teams compete with and against each other to build an innovative corporation.

The Innovation Management Game shows the players that leading an innovative organisation always goes hand in hand with finding the right balance between short term orientation – such as cost optimalization and increasing revenue – and long term orientation – such as innovation and technological developments. The Game contributes to the personal development of professionals on the fields of Innovation Management, Business Model Innovation, Open Innovation, Co-creation, Social Innovation, Crowdsourcing, Entrepreneurship and Crowdfunding. The Game is meant for both students in higher education and universities and  professionals.

Please take a second to vote for this concept at Accentures website (in Dutch; just click the Facebook/Twitter buttons).
