Ethical Considerations Regarding the Use of AI in Higher Education

Ethical Considerations Regarding the Use of AI in Higher Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a remarkable advancement in technology with the potential to significantly benefit higher education. AI tools, such as ChatGPT, can support educators and enhance student learning experiences by automating administrative tasks, providing personalized learning pathways, and facilitating access to a vast array of information. However, while the benefits of AI are numerous, there is increasing concern within academic circles about its ethical implications and the challenges it presents to traditional educational paradigms in business and engineering education.

If you’re a college student preparing for life in an A.I. world, you need to ask yourself: Which classes will give me the skills that machines will not replicate, making me more distinctly human? New York Times

Recent studies, including the work by Sullivan, Kelly, and Mclaughlan (2023), highlight these concerns in detail. Their research underscores significant issues related to academic integrity and student learning outcomes with the advent of generative AI tools like ChatGPT. They note that while these tools can aid learning, they also present substantial risks, particularly in terms of undermining the learning process and compromising the integrity of academic work.

Key Concerns Raised

The integration of AI tools like ChatGPT into higher education has brought about several significant concerns, primarily revolving around academic integrity, the quality of student learning, and broader ethical implications.

1. Academic Integrity Concerns:

One of the most pressing issues is the potential for AI to facilitate academic dishonesty. AI tools can generate essays, solve problems, and create presentations, often indistinguishable from student-generated work. This ease of use can lead students to rely on AI to complete their assignments, effectively bypassing the learning process. According to Sullivan, Kelly, and Mclaughlan (2023), there has been a noticeable increase in students submitting work produced by ChatGPT, yet these students struggle with verbal discussions or critical analyses of the same topics. This phenomenon undermines the authenticity of academic assessments and devalues educational qualifications.

2. Impact on Learning Outcomes:

AI’s ability to generate content quickly and accurately poses a threat to the learning process itself. As noted in Sullivan et al.’s study, there is a critical link between the act of writing and learning (Goodman, 2023). The cognitive effort involved in structuring an argument, synthesizing information, and reflecting on content is essential for deep learning. When students use AI to circumvent these processes, they miss out on the development of critical thinking and analytical skills. The concern here is that AI can make learning too easy, removing the struggle that is often necessary for true understanding and mastery of complex subjects (AI writing tools garner concern about academic integrity, education from faculty, 2023).

“The potential benefits of artificial intelligence are huge, so are the dangers.” (Dave Waters)

3. Quality and Reliability of AI-Generated Content:

Another significant concern is the quality and reliability of the output generated by AI tools. ChatGPT and similar AI systems can produce text that appears plausible but can contain factual inaccuracies, logical fallacies, and a lack of nuanced understanding (Chatbots ‘spell end to lessons at home’, 2023). Additionally, AI lacks the ability to form genuine opinions, think creatively, or critically evaluate its own outputs. These limitations can lead to students presenting erroneous information and can hinder the development of their critical evaluation skills.

4. Equity and Accessibility Issues:

The ethical implications of AI use extend to equity and accessibility. Not all students have equal access to advanced AI tools, potentially exacerbating existing inequalities in education. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may not be able to afford the technology or may lack the necessary digital literacy to use it effectively. This creates a divide where some students can leverage AI to enhance their academic performance, while others are left behind.

5. Data Privacy and Security:

AI tools often require access to vast amounts of data, raising concerns about the privacy and security of student information. There is a risk that sensitive data could be mishandled or exposed, leading to potential breaches of privacy and trust (The Promise and Peril of ChatGPT in Higher Education, Park & Ahn, 2024).

6. Reduced Critical Thinking and Engagement:

The use of AI can lead to a passive learning experience where students become overly reliant on technology. This reliance can diminish opportunities for active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving – skills that are crucial for academic and professional success. According to Rasul et al. (2024), the passive nature of AI-assisted learning contradicts the principles of constructivist learning theory, which emphasizes the importance of active engagement and social interactions in the learning process.

7. Inadequate Assessment of Learning Outcomes:

AI-generated content makes it difficult for educators to assess students’ true understanding and skills accurately. Traditional assessment methods, such as essays and take-home assignments, are easily completed with AI assistance, making it challenging to gauge a student’s actual learning progress. This issue calls for a reevaluation of assessment strategies to ensure they effectively measure student learning outcomes in an AI-enhanced educational environment.

8. Technological and Psychological Challenges:

Technological solutions to detect AI-generated content are still evolving and are not foolproof. False positives can lead to unwarranted accusations of academic dishonesty, causing psychological stress and potentially damaging student reputations (The Promise and Peril of ChatGPT in Higher Education, Park & Ahn, 2024). Additionally, as AI technology advances, detection systems must continuously adapt, posing a persistent challenge for educational institutions.

I believe that the future of AI in education encompasses three essential areas: AI literacy, AI policy, and AI misconduct, or ’AI-giarism.” Professor Chan

Given these multifaceted challenges, it is imperative to explore both traditional and innovative strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of AI while harnessing its benefits.

Routes for Addressing These Challenges

Old-School Methods

I’m not a fan of these methods, but lecturers are increasingly holding on to them in the age of AI. They’re effective, but often very time-consuming and increasingly less effective as AI continuous to become more accessible.

  1. Reinforcing Traditional Assessments: Maintaining some traditional forms of assessment, such as invigilated exams, can help ensure that students engage with the material directly. However, reliance solely on these methods can stifle innovation and adaptability in education.
  2. Handwritten Assignments: Encouraging handwritten work can reduce the opportunity for AI misuse. Yet, this approach may not fully capture the interactive and digital nature of modern education.

New-School Methods

  1. AI-Resistant Assessments: Developing assessment types that are difficult for AI to handle is a promising approach. This includes oral presentations, podcasts, laboratory activities, group projects, and specific assignment prompts that require critical thinking and creativity beyond the capabilities of current AI.
  2. Game-Based Learning: Research by Sánchez-Ruiz et al. (2023) shows that serious games and simulation for higher education are hard for AI to effectively participate in due to the complexity of understanding game algorithms and dynamic scenarios. These games not only make learning engaging but also ensure that students actively apply their knowledge and skills in a way that AI cannot replicate.
  3. Flipped Classroom Models: This approach involves students engaging with lecture material at home through digital platforms and using classroom time for interactive, hands-on activities. Research by Sánchez-Ruiz et al. (2023) shows that flipped classrooms and other blended learning methodologies significantly reduce the effectiveness of AI tools in completing assignments, as these require active participation and critical engagement from students.
  4. Integrated AI Use: Embracing AI as a tool within the learning process rather than banning it can also be beneficial. By teaching students how to use AI responsibly and integrating it into the curriculum, educators can prepare students for a future where AI will be an integral part of their professional lives. This includes developing digital literacy and critical evaluation skills to assess AI-generated content.

“The learners are in charge, the AI is there to work with the educators to support students to be the best learner they can be. Human educators are a much sought-after resource in this vision, because everybody will need to learn throughout their lives.” Rose Luckin


The introduction of AI in higher education is a double-edged sword, offering both significant advantages and substantial challenges. While traditional methods can provide short-term solutions to maintain academic integrity, it is the innovative, new-school approaches that hold the potential to transform education sustainably. By incorporating AI-resistant assessment methods and integrating AI into the learning process responsibly, educators can enhance student learning while preserving the integrity and value of higher education. As we navigate this evolving landscape, it is crucial to engage in ongoing dialogue and adapt our strategies to ensure that the use of AI in education aligns with our core educational values and goals.

Unleashing Innovation: Strategic Simulation Games as a solution to the use of AI and ChatGPT in Business Education

Unleashing Innovation: Strategic Simulation Games as a solution to the use of AI and ChatGPT in Business Education

In the world of business education, the usage of AI and ChatGPT has severe impact. Not only does it open doors for new ways of learning, it also threatens traditional learning methods, activities and deliverables – and forces educators to update curricula in a fast pace. As became apparent over the last few years, strategic simulation games are immersive learning experiences that go hand-in-hand with the rise of the usage AI and ChatGPT in education. As a premium partner of Innovative Dutch, who is developing and running strategic simulation games in universities worldwide, we’ve experienced during the last year that there are many benefits arising from using strategic simulation games in education, knowing that students will move to AI to ask for help. Interested in learning more about the simulation games of Innovative Dutch? Check their website for the Innovation Management Game and the Business Model Game. Their games are played in over 25 countries by 10K+ students annually.

Here are nine advantages of leveraging strategic simulation games enhanced by AI in business education:

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2 Decades of Open Innovation: an infographic

2 Decades of Open Innovation: an infographic

The rise of open innovation has been a long-standing trend in business. In the early 1990s, companies were starting to realize that they could improve their competitive edge by sharing their ideas and innovations with others. This led to the development of the concept of “open source” software, which allows for free exchange of information among developers. Open innovation is a term first coined by professor Henry Chesbrough in his 2003 book “Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology”. It describes the process of organizations leveraging external ideas and resources to drive innovation and growth. This can be done through things like open R&D, corporate venturing, collaborative research, etc.

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Inneagram: Stakeholder Collaboration in Innovation Ecosystems

Inneagram: Stakeholder Collaboration in Innovation Ecosystems

The story of this infographic began 16 years ago during a Summer School organized by the University of Cambridge. Not in the City of Perspiring Dreams itself, but on the mystical mountain Uludağ in Turkey, with 15 fellow students in a mountain hut more than 1 hour away from the nearest town with cellphone reception. On this mountain, led by Cambridge professor Jim Platts, we took an ESTIEM traineeship in transformative leadership. Without taking a deep dive into the material of the Summer School, one of the models that we started to work with was the Enneagram. Not only the power of the model itself, but also the history behind it, really intrigued me and so the story began.

Over the years, I’ve read much more about the Enneagram. Mostly used in (business) psychology, the framework is best described as an adaptive approach to recognize your own – and others’- behaviour in interactions with others. So it’s not, as many think, a framework for personality traits, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Big-5 personality test. It perhaps holds the middle between these personality tests and the Rose of Leary, a theory of behavioral influence. The theory helps you to find your comfort-spot and from there on explains how your interactions with others happen and could be improved if you learn how to read it. It’s adaptable: it may change under different circumstances, under different preconditions and in different situations.

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The University in 2040: 6 trends & an infographic.

On November 23, I had the honor of giving a talk at the NRC Live event for Education. I was scheduled immediately after Bert van der Zwaan, rector magnificus at the University of Utrecht. Van der Zwaan launched his book that day: the result of sabbatical he and his wife took in 2015. During that sabbatical they traveled the world and tried to speak with as many educational visionaries as possible. It led to the work: The University in 2040, does it still exist?

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7 Billion Universities: How Simulation Games could disrupt Education

7 Billion Universities: How Simulation Games could disrupt Education

Over a week ago, I gave a TED talk about the role of simulation games in higher education and how they could disrupt the education system as we know it. Below, you’ll find the video, the slides I used and the full transcript of the text. Are you interested in helping me to make this game ready to enroll in a couple of years?

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Innovation Ecosystem

Schematic overview to understand the complexity of the Innovation Ecosystem (Infographic)

The Innovation Ecosystem

The Innovation Ecosystem is one of the most under-researched topics. One the one hand because policy researchers usually tend to focus more on polls, elections and international collaboration and business researchers usually tend to focus more on organizations and interorganizational collaborations. However, publisher Edward Elgar has repeatedly published interesting works on innovation policy, innovation systems and the like. An ecosystem of innovation could be described as, quoting Wikipedia, the flow of technology and information among people, enterprises and institutions [which] is key to an innovative process. It contains the interaction between actors who are needed in order to turn an idea into a process, product or service on the market. The Innovation Ecosystem is extremely important to the economy and welfare of a country or region. It is one of the main drivers of GDP. Over the past decades more research has been done on the dynamics behind these ecosystems and its subsystems. Below you’ll find a schematic overview of the innovation ecosystem. It will take you to the download side of Innovative Dutch, where you can download it in full resolution.

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Top 10 Best Articles on Open Innovation in 2013

Based on the rankings of the SSRN database, we are able to create a ranking of the best – most downloaded – Open Innovation and related topics articles that have been published in 2013 so far. Therefore, this is a list of brand new theories, recent case studies, preliminary results and pioneering research.

  1. The Theory of Crowd Capital; Prpic, J., & Shukla, P.
    Abstract: We are seeing more and more organizations undertaking activities to engage dispersed populations through Information Systems (IS). Using the knowledge-based view of the organization, this work conceptualizes a theory of Crowd Capital to explain this phenomenon. Crowd Capital is a heterogeneous knowledge resource generated by an organization, through its use of Crowd Capability, which is defined by the structure, content, and process by which an organization engages with the dispersed knowledge of individuals – the Crowd. Our work draws upon a diverse literature and builds upon numerous examples of practitioner implementations to support our theorizing. We present a model of Crowd Capital generation in organizations and discuss the implications of Crowd Capital on organizational boundary and on IS research.
  2. Leveraging External Sources of Innovation: A Review of Research on Open Innovation, West, J. & Bogers, M.
    Abstract: This article reviews research on open innovation that considers how and why firms commercialize external sources of innovations. It examines both the “outside-in” and “coupled” modes of Enkel et al. (2009). From an analysis of prior research on how firms leverage external sources of innovation, it suggests a four-phase model in which a linear process — (1) obtaining, (2) integrating and (3) commercializing external innovations — is combined with (4) interaction between the firm and its collaborators. This model is used to classify papers taken from the top 25 innovation journals identified by Linton and Thongpapan (2004), complemented by highly cited work beyond those journals. A review of 291 open innovation-related publications from these sources shows that the majority of these articles indeed address elements of this inbound open innovation process model. Specifically, it finds that researchers have front-loaded their examination of the leveraging process, with an emphasis on obtaining innovations from external sources. However, there is a relative dearth of research related to integrating and commercializing these innovations.
    Research on obtaining innovations includes searching, enabling, filtering, and acquiring — each category with its own specific set of mechanisms and conditions. Integrating innovations has been mostly studied from an absorptive capacity perspective, with less attention given to the impact of competencies and culture (including not-invented-here). Commercializing innovations puts the most emphasis on how external innovations create value rather than how firms capture value from those innovations. Finally, the interaction phase considers both feedback for the linear process and reciprocal innovation processes such as co-creation, network collaboration and community innovation.
    This review and synthesis suggests several gaps in prior research. One is a tendency to ignore the importance of business models, despite their central role in distinguishing open innovation from earlier research on inter-organizational collaboration in innovation. Another gap is a tendency in open innovation to use “innovation” in a way inconsistent with earlier definitions in innovation management. The article concludes with recommendations for future research that include examining the end-to-end innovation commercialization process, and studying the moderators and limits of leveraging external sources of innovation.
  3. The Golden Circle of Innovation: What Companies Can Learn from NGOs When It Comes to Innovation, Spruijt, J.P., Spanjaard, T.G.S. & Demouge, K.
    Abstract: This paper examines the lessons that companies can learn from NGOs when it comes to the why, the how and the what of innovation. It explains innovation from the inside out: why is it important and what are the grand challenges? Followed by the how: in what way can innovation be managed and how does the innovation process look like in a modern economy?
    This introduction is elaborated on with two case studies within NGOs in The Netherlands, Fair2 and Liliane Foundation. It leads to several conclusions and hypotheses for further research.
  4. Sustainability-Oriented Innovation, Hansen, E.G. & Grosse-Dunker, F.
    Abstract: Sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI): the commercial introduction of a new (or improved) product (service), product-service system, or pure service which – based on a traceable (qualitative or quantitative) comparative analysis – leads to environmental and (or) social benefits over the prior version’s physical life-cycle (‘from cradle to grave’).
  5. Open Innovation and Organization DesignTushman, M., Lakhani, K. & Lifshitz-Assaf, L.
    Abstract: Abernathy’s (1978) empirical work on the automotive industry investigated relationships among an organization’s boundary (all manufacturing plants), its organizational design (fluid vs. specific), and its ability to execute product and/or process innovations. Abernathy’s ideas of dominant designs and the locus of innovation have been central to scholars of innovation, R&D, and strategic management. Similarly, building on March and Simon’s (1958) concept of organizations as decision making systems, Woodward (1965), Burns and Stalker (1966), and Lawrence and Lorsch (1967) examined relationships among organizational boundaries, organization structure, and innovation in a set of industries that varied by technology and environmental uncertainty. These and other early empirical works have led a diverse group of scholars to develop theories about firm boundaries, organization design, and the ability to innovate.
  6. Managing Crowd Innovation in Public Administration, Collm, A. & Schedler, K.
    Abstract: Governments all over the world have discovered the world of social media, for better or for worse. Whereas some of them are making every effort to prevent the unhierarchical and therefore uncontrollable (dissident) opinion-forming process in Web 2.0, others are looking for ways of putting the potentialities of this new opening-up of communication to use. One approach that is increasingly being tried out is opening up innovation processes in government. However, this opening-up of innovation processes is anything but trivial. It requires a thoroughly thought-out strategy and thus confronts government systems with extensive challenges if it is not to suffer the same fate as other unsuccessful attempts at reform in the past. In our essay, we reflect on the consequences of these challenges for public managers.
  7. Adopting Open Innovation to Stimulate Frugal Innovation and Reverse Innovation, Hossain, M.
    Abstract: Frugal innovation and reverse innovation have very recently emerged as interesting concepts. Frugal innovation is based on cost constraints to serve low-income customers in developing countries. When frugal innovation comes to developed countries and becomes commercially successful it is considered as reverse innovation. Recently, many companies, such as GE, Siemens, Procter and Gamble, etc. have engaged heavily in frugal innovation and in reverse innovation. Open innovation, on the other hand, has not been considered in the context of low-income customers in developing countries. We argue that using open innovation concept in developing countries may boast frugal innovation and reverse innovation. Consequently, quality product with low-income will be widely available not only in developing countries but also in developed countries. Hence, western companies need to change their long hold business strategies and reshape their business models. This study aims to illustrate why western companies need to be aware of and take step to become successful in the turbulent business world.
  8. The Impact of Visibility in Innovation Tournaments: Evidence from Field Experiments, Wooten, J.O. & Ulrich, K.T.
    Abstract: Contests have a long history of driving innovation, and web-based information technology has opened up new possibilities for managing tournaments. One such possibility is the visibility of entries – some web-based platforms now allow participants to observe others’ submissions while the contest is live. Seeing other entries could broaden or limit idea exploration, redirect or anchor searches, or inspire or stifle creativity. Using a unique data set from a series of field experiments, we examine whether entry visibility helps or hurts innovation contest outcomes. Our eight contests resulted in 665 contest entries for which we have 11,380 quality ratings. Based on analysis of this data set, we provide evidence that entry visibility influences the outcome of tournaments via two pathways: (1) changing the likelihood of entry from an agent and (2) shifting the quality characteristics of entries. For the first, we show that entry visibility generates more entries by increasing the number of participants. For the second, we find the effect of entry visibility depends on the setting. Seeing other entries results in more similar submissions early in a contest. For single-entry participants, entry quality “ratchets up” with the best entry submitted by other contestants previously if that entry is visible, while moving in the opposite direction if it’s not. However, for participants who submit more than once, those with better prior submissions improve more when they can not see the work of others. The variance in quality of entries also increases when entries are not visible, usually a desirable property of tournament submissions.
  9. Digital Scholarship: Exploration of Strategies and Skills for Knowledge Creation and Dissemination, Cobo, C. & Naval, C.
    Abstract: Widespread access to digital technologies has enabled digital scholars to access, create, share, and disseminate academic contents in innovative and diversified ways. Today academic teams in different places can collaborate in virtual environments by conducting scholarly work on the Internet. Two relevant dimensions that have been deeply affected by the emergence of digital scholarship are new facets of knowledge generation (wikis, e-science, online education, distributed R&D, open innovation, open science, peer-based production, online encyclopedias, user generated content) and new models of knowledge circulation and distribution (e-journals, open repositories, open licenses, academic podcasting initiatives, etc.). Despite the potential transformation of these novel practices and mechanisms of knowledge production and distribution, some authors suggest that digital scholarship can only be of significance if it marks a radical break in scholarship practices brought about through the possibilities enabled in new technologies. This paper address some of the key challenges and raise a set of recommendations to foster the development of key skills, new models of collaboration and cross-disciplinary cooperation between digital scholars.
  10. Dissenting State Patent Regimes, Hrdy, C.A.
    Abstract: Inventors who believe in open innovation should start applying for state patents instead of U.S. patents. Patenting at the state level prevents rivals from obtaining U.S. patents and generates valuable innovation spillovers in other states where the patent has no legal effect. It also creates a unique opportunity to force patent law reform from the bottom up. In exchange for filing fees, inventors can demand patents based on rules that support open innovation, like shorter terms in fast-moving industries, stricter disclosure requirements, or new restrictions on patenting by non-practicing entities. The lobbyists who stymie reform at the national level will have a much harder time blocking reform in all fifty states. Meanwhile, patent law’s dissenters need only one state to start granting patents in order to get courts, the media, and eventually Congress to pay attention.
Serious games effective in teaching (open) innovation & management

Serious games effective in teaching (open) innovation & management

Recently, an article about the effect of serious games on teaching and learning the essentials of (open) innovation and innovation management has been published on the ssrn. The authors have researched a group of students from different nationalities playing a game in the context of an education course. By playing the game, they had the following goals:

  • Creating a shared experience of social dynamics and the paradox of co-opetition for the students;
  • Enable critical reflection on social dynamics of co-opetition based on this experience;
  • Experience-based learning — enable the students to apply what they learned from their reflection and experience through iteration;
  • Create deeper understanding of open innovation;
The study uses a series of plays and discussions and compares the results of these sessions with game theory. They round up with several interesting conclusions:
  • We argued that play can be a source of creativity, imagination and fun in a teaching setting (cf. Kolb & Kolb, 2010).
  • We found evidence that playful games can help to create such an experience through interactive experience and simple simulation — thereby helping the students to better understand the theory behind open collaborative innovation (Bogers, 2012; Chesbrough, 2003; Chesbrough et al., 2006; Dahlander & Gann, 2010; Nalebuff & Brandenburger, 1997).
  • Moreover, playful games allow understanding open innovation as interplay of complex processes of relating, social capital, and institutions (Adler & Kwon, 2002; Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998; Rolfstam, 2009; Searle, 2005; Stacey & Griffin, 2005).
  • They thus allow us to get a more holistic understanding of the complex social dynamics that emerge when people have to deal with novelty. (Bogers & Sproedt, 2012).
Two of the most used innovation games in teaching (professionals) and higher education are:


Innovation Management Game: start-up of the year

Innovation Management Game: start-up of the year

Just like last year, we’ll publish a (small) list containing the most promising start-ups of the year. Obviously, we’ll share our opinion from the perspective of Open Innovation by answering the following questions:

  • Does the start-up contribute to the field of Open Innovation?
  • Does the start-up contribute to the field of Innovation Management?
  • Does the start-up contribute to the European knowledge economy?
  • Is the product/idea innovative?
  • Does it meet customer needs?

1st: Innovation Management Game

This year, the number 1 position goes to the Innovation Management Game. The Innovation Management Game is a business strategy simulation game for universities, higher education, business schools and corporate/executive trainings. The game centralizes topics like Open Innovation, Co-Creation, Innovation Management and Business Model Innovation.

Does the start-up contribute to the field of Open Innovation? 5/5
Does the start-up contribute to the field of Innovation Management? 5/5
Does the start-up contribute to the European knowledge economy? 5/5
Is the product/idea innovative? 4/5
Does it meet customer needs? 5/5
Overall: 4.8/5

2nd: Owlin

The second position goes to Owlin; a start-up in the financial sector that scans and analyzes social data and creates insights in financial opportunities before organisations and press offices would be able to recognize it themselves. Owlin is part of the Rockstart’s Acceleration Programme and received earlier this week €200.000 euro on venture capital.

Does the start-up contribute to the field of Open Innovation? 4/5
Does the start-up contribute to the field of Innovation Management? 4/5
Does the start-up contribute to the European knowledge economy? 5/5
Is the product/idea innovative? 5/5
Does it meet customer needs? 5/5
Overall 4.6/5

 3rd: Fosbury

Just a few months online, however already getting wide attention, Fosbury. A start-up, developed by two of the former founders of Yunoo, that enables organization to quickly segment and advertise coupons and vouchers to smartphones. We’re expecting this type of organisation to set back the traditional paper advertising markets before the end of 2013.

Does the start-up contribute to the field of Open Innovation? 4/5
Does the start-up contribute to the field of Innovation Management? 3/5
Does the start-up contribute to the European knowledge economy? 5/5
Is the product/idea innovative? 4/5
Does it meet customer needs? 5/5
Overall: 4.2/5